The International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) is delighted to announce that the bidding process for hosting the XXIII World Congress of the Society in 2022 is now open.

ISSHP is an international society of scientists and research active clinicians who are committed to reducing the global burden of maternal mortality and morbidity caused by hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. The Society seeks to advance knowledge into the causes of hypertensive conditions in pregnancy and to translate this into clinically meaningful interventions, with a particular emphasis on addressing inequities in low to middle-income countries.

The biannual World Congress attracts researchers from across the globe and the delegates normally number 400-­‐‑700, including many Key Opinion Leaders in this field.

The XXIII World Congress will be held in 2022. Parties interested in hosting this prestigious conference should contact their local ISSHP International Council Member. A list of council members and their contact details can be found here


An application form for the submission of Expressions of Interest can also be downloaded here.


Please note: Expressions of Interest will only be considered if they are submitted by an ISSHP council member. Direct submissions from Conferences Organizers and other interested parties will not be considered unless endorsed by a council member.


Relevant Deadlines:

February 2018: Call issued.
1st July 2018: Deadline for submission of proposals.
1st August 2018: Ballot will close and the host with the winning submission will be notified soon after.
October 2018: Presentation of the proposed venue to the Membership at the World Congress in Amsterdam for ratification.